RosaeNLG Command Line Interface

This is the documentation for 3.1.2 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 4.3.0.

RosaeNLG CLI is a fork of pug-cli.

You can:

  • render templates, either batch or continuously while developing

  • generate js files for browser rendering

  • generate JSON packages of the templates (to run them in RosaeNLG Java Server)

  • generate Yseop templates

Render templates

Data in the template

Generate html with data included in the template:

rosaenlg -l en_US fruits.pug

where fruits.pug is:

- var data = ['apples', 'bananas', 'apricots', 'pears'];
  eachz fruit in data with { separator: ',', last_separator: 'and', begin_with_general: 'I love', end:'!' }
    | #{fruit}

Template in stdin

Same from stdin:

rosaenlg -l en_US < fruits.pug

will directly print the result to stdout.

Data in the options

Generate html with data included in the options:

rosaenlg -l en_US -O '{"data": ["apples", "bananas", "apricots", "pears"]}' fruits_nodata.pug

where fruits.pug is just:

  eachz fruit in data with { separator: ',', last_separator: 'and', begin_with_general: 'I love', end:'!' }
    | #{fruit}

You can also put the language directly in the options:

rosaenlg -O '{"language":"en_US", "data": ["apples", "bananas", "apricots", "pears"]}' fruits_nodata.pug

Generate js files for browser rendering

Generate a js function file:

rosaenlg -l en_US fruits.pug --client --name fruits

template is the default name of the generated js function when name is not set.

You can run that template browser side or server side. You can easily test it server side first:

const fs = require('fs');
const NlgLib = require('rosaenlg').NlgLib;

const compiled = fs.readFileSync('sandbox/fruits.js', 'utf8');
const compiledFct = new Function('params', `${compiled}; return template(params);`);

const rendered = compiledFct({
  util: new NlgLib({ language: 'en_US' }),


Same from stdin:

rosaenlg -l en_US < fruits.pug --no-debug --client

Generate a JSON package

Create the options JSON file

You have developed your templates somewhere (in multiples files with include) and now you want to package them in a single JSON file to upload them in a RosaeNLG Server or API.

You must first create a JSON file with all the required options:

  • templateId a the name of your template (choose whatever you want)

  • entryTemplate is the path to your main template file

  • compileInfo must contain the language parameter (if you don’t put it, packaging will work, but server upload will fail)

For instance:

  "templateId": "test",
  "src": {
    "entryTemplate": "inputs/with_inc/test.pug",
    "compileInfo": {
      "activate": false,
      "language": "en_US"

See completePackagedTemplateJson in RosaeNLG Packager documentation for a complete description of the options.

Generate the package

  • use --jsonpackage to indicate you want to generate a JSON package

  • indicate the JSON options file using --packageopts

  • use -o to indicate the output file (will be STDOUT by default)

rosaenlg --jsonpackage --packageopts packageOpts.json -o packaged.json

Generate Yseop templates

Single file for debug

Generate Yseop templates, single file (for debug):

rosaenlg -l en_US -y -s fruits.pug

Same from stdin

rosaenlg -l en_US -y -s < fruits.pug

will directly print the result to stdout.

Multiple ytextfunction files

Generate Yseop templates, multiple files. -o / --out is mandatory:

rosaenlg -l en_US -y fruits.pug -o outputDir