
This is the documentation for 3.2.0 version, which is not the latest version. Consider upgrading to 4.4.0.

RosaeNLG is bundled with linguistic resources, which are either rules or dictionnaries, depending on languages and resources.

While these default linguistic resources should be accurate and complete enough for most usecases, you may encounter situations where they need to be changed. You can either:

  • extend the resources: e.g. for new words, new adjectives or missing ones

  • override parts of the resources: for errors or alternative spelling; you can override only some of the properties, and not a complete word or adjective

Typically, in German, composed words like Sauerkraut are not in the default dictionnary.

Resources are:

  • words: use setWordData('someWord', properties)

  • adjectives: use setAdjData('someAdjective', properties)

  • verbs: TODO

setWordData and setAdjData are JavaScript functions, so use - setWordData…​ when in a template.

The properties that can be defined for each kind of resource depend on the language: for instance, some languages have a gender for words, while some don’t.

Properties per language and resource type

Language Words Adjectives Verbs


  • plural: setWordData('fish', {plural: 'fishes'})

  • a/an: setWordData('elephant', {aan: 'a'})

  • a/an: setAdjData('intelligent', {aan: 'a'})



  • plural: setWordData('bijou', {plural: 'bijous'})

  • "h aspiré": setWordData('hérisson', {contracts: true})

  • "h aspiré": setAdjData('horrible', {contracts: false})

  • flex forms MS, MP, FS, FP: setAdjData('effrayant', {MP: 'effrayantx'})



  • gender M, F or N: setWordData('Mädchen', {G: 'M'})

  • cases: keys are AKK (accusative), DAT (dative), GEN (genitive), NOM (nominative) and then SIN (singular), PLU (plural): setWordData('blou', {AKK: {SIN: 'blouSINAKK'}, DAT: {PLU:'blouPLUDAT'}})

  • cases: keys are AKK (accusative), DAT (dative), GEN (genitive), NOM (nominative), then, DEF (definite, demonstrative or possessive articles), IND (indefinite articles), SOL (no determiner), then P (plural), F (feminine), M (masculine), N (neutral): setAdjData('hoch', {'AKK': {'DEF': {M: 'hochTEST'}}})



  • plural: setWordData('gioiello', {'P': 'gioielloTEST'}) (use S for singular)

  • gender: key is G, value is M for masculine and F for feminine: setWordData('foto', {'G': 'M'})

  • flex forms: key is MS, MP, FS, FP: setAdjData('bianco', {'FS': 'biancoFS'})



  • gender: key is gender, value M for masculine, F for feminine: setWordData('correa', {gender: 'M'})

  • plural: key is plural: setWordData('joya', {plural: 'joyaPLURAL'})

  • flex forms: key is MS, MP etc. plus a boolean indicating if it is the form before or after the noun (true is before the noun) MStrue, MPtrue, FStrue, FPtrue, MSfalse, MPfalse, FSfalse, FPfalse: setAdjData('hermoso', {FStrue: 'hermosoFStrue'})



Creating a new word:

- setWordData('blou', {plural: 'bloux'})
#[+value('blou', {number: 'P'})]

will output bloux in French.

Changing gender of an existing word:

- setWordData('train', {gender: 'F'})
#[+value('train', {det: 'INDEFINITE'})]

will output une train in French.